To me, making mosaics is meditation. It demands much time and patience, far more than my pottery or painting. This is because I work organically and follow my intuition.
I do not use standard forms such as triangles or squares. I cut all stones individually, piece by piece matching their sizes to each other.
This manner of working is most rewarding. When I have finished cleaning the joints, the geologist awakens in me: making a mosaic is to me like searching for minerals in the earth.
My subjects take shape in an intuitive manner. I will use anything that may enter my mind. How this comes about, I really cannot explain. Often I recall happy childhood images. I cherish these moments carefully, considering I was always surrounded by war. I could and can still see beauty in everything, even in chaos. This is reflected in the drawings from my primary school years and the colours and figures on the curtains when my mother was still alive.
I use glass and ceramic items on various surfaces. I try to recycle as much material as possible. During my last collection I was inspired by branches, tree trunks and discs of wood cut from trees. I use these as surfaces while adapting to their specific nature. In other words, a true collaboration between nature and my working intuition